Our Platform.

Guiding your business and your customers to find more value in every interaction.

High Impact Digital Journeys.

Empower your team and customers to search, select and purchase products through a tailored digital customer journeys.

Transaction and
Basket Size Uplift.

Access universal inventory and deliver faster transactions, through flexible POS stations and multiple delivery options.


Pipeline of product innovation to integrate store, web and mobile experiences to achieve greater sales revenue.

The tutch Platform.

customizable Touchscreens.

  • Put your customers in control with high-impact digital experiences. Our platform is flexible, customizable and can work with almost any interface. Most importantly, it ensures your customers find what they are looking for.

    Product Highlights

    Create new experiences

    Give your digital marketing team another channel to empower store teams and enrich the customer experience.

    Leverage existing content

    tutch can plug and play into existing operating systems and utilise existing content.

    Connect with the team

    Empower team members to create dedicated content for your campaigns.

Retail Media.

  • Interactive media displays let you serve the right information at the right time, every time. tutch puts your digital media team in charge.
    From daily offers to national announcements, your business can engage with the team and connect with customers in minutes.

    Product Highlights

    Schedule, change and modify

    Create targeted instore marketing campaigns. Make changes easily on a mobile app and make edits in minutes.

    Digitise your in-store marketing

    Use your existing content and your team to create an additional channel for your promotions.

    New revenue stream

    Provide digital real estate for supplier advertising. With it, generate a new revenue stream for your business.


  • Give customers access to the full product catalogue, product information and personalised offers usually only found online. tutch elegantly connects existing web and in-store operations, enabling customers to shop digitally in store to get the best of both worlds.

    Product Highlights

    Bigger product range, less inventory

    Give customers access to the complete range of products in or out of store. Our platform provides real-time stock data that links online to in-store, minimising the risk of overstock.

    Increase conversion

    Proven to increase basket size and sales, Endless Aisle optimises multiple functions to help your team sell more.

    Reduce friction

    Limit missed sales opportunities and provide customers with a frictionless shopping experience.

    Move more stock, quickly

    Minimise unsold inventory by having increased visibility, access and display through Endless Aisle functionality.

Pay ‘N’

  • Take advantage of high-volume footfall by speeding up the purchasing process without sacrificing the quality of the customer experience.

    customizable with both self assisted or assisted check out options, tutch serves up personalised offers and product suggestions to grow basket size.

    Product Highlights

    Provide immediate service

    Customers don’t need to wait in line or for staff assistance with a multi-functional tutch solution their fingertips.

    Mobilise team

    Free up more team members to engage with more customers.

    Optimise retail store space

    Reduce the number of traditional POS stations giving merchandisers more space to display inventory.


  • Grow sales with frictionless selling. Allow customers to choose products they’re seeing on display in-store or online, collecting each item electronically in cart.

    QR code of customer basket for secure personal payment or integrated POS that allows an assisted checkout.

    Product Highlights

    Increase conversion

    Our QR code payment option allows the customer to scan their basket for immediate, secure payment on their device. An integrated POS payment option is also available.

    Add more sale opportunities

    Our intelligent platform automatically suggests products that compliment the customer based on their current shopping journey.


    To make sure the customer receives the purchased items, we have an option available to include team member identifier to validate the transaction. The tutch solution easily connects to digital payment, stock management and CRM solutions. Both options are PCI DSS compliant.


  • tutch turns existing store networks into logistic assets, creating more cost-efficient ordering and delivery solutions direct to store, home or office. Real-time stock updates across every location and warehouse ensures greater operational efficiencies; reducing markdowns and improving your bottom line.

    Product Highlights

    Connected experience

    tutch makes Click & Collect, Click & Reserve, Returns and Drop Shipping accessible offerings for businesses of any size. Stores act as retail and distribution centres to streamline delivery processes without adding additional layers of complexity.

    Increase supply chain yield

    tutch’s scalable solution creates more flexible options for delivery, regardless of business size.

    Maximise footfall conversion

    Make shopping even more convenient with flexible shipping for every type of product – big or small, wherever the inventory resides.

Why Tutch

Empower store teams

A tool to enrich the employee experience and to help team members make the most of every customer interaction.

Create connected experiences

Give customers a truly connected experience, bringing digital experiences into the in-store environment.

Offer even more

Our platform up-sells and cross-sells for you. Offering relevant suggestions for products and services.

Technology highlights

Enterprise design scalability and security.

Web application

Utilising Progressive Web applications, Google’s Angular 9 & Iconic we create a native user experience catering for all platforms & operating systems.

Hosted architecture

The platform is hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud in the US East Region within an auto-scaled environment.


Backups and redundancy implemented across the Azure platform, creating multi regional redundancies for data and pipeline.

Web services

Backend is built using Microsoft .NET Core maintaining a microservices design to our flexible API Services Framework.

Data and Security

SSL is used to enable safe transmission of sensitive data between platform endpoints encapsulating our entire platform within a Microsoft Azure B2C security environment. Data is safely stored within a virtual private network preventing any unauthorised access.

Independent audit results, 2023


Everest Engineering was commissioned to review the tutch software platform with respect to its performance scalability, its resilience, and its ability to protect sensitive information. Tutch presented an event-driven, microservices styled architecture. The core system is a set of microservices that are deployed into a container orchestration system managed by Microsoft Azure.

Tooling for operational monitoring and management, and supporting infrastructure are also Microsoft Azure managed services.

Our conclusion is that the architecture as presented meets tutch’s technical requirements with respect to performance scalability, resilience and data protection.

– Independently reviewed by Everest Engineering, CEO Craig Brown

tutch helped Between the Flags increase basket size by 14%

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